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You know your teams, you know your missions. Look out for each other.

Finish the war and always remember it.

Many of our long-term supports have continuously requested us to complete the Quantum suit released early this year. To craft your set of most beautifully crafted minifigures, we have made you the following option parts now!


A. Quantum Team

The full set with 7 minifigures. It includes 7 team suit v.2 (torso & legs) , 7 newly designed team heads with custom made hair, their quantum helmets and a new INFINITY DEFENDER War-damaged helmet .

It also includes one extra suit & helmet for the Soul Agent ( sold separately previously )


B. Quantum helmets & Suits

The long-waited head-gear is finally here! you can choose either 1 full suit ( helmet + suit v.2 ) or 4 full suits ( 4 helmets + 4 suits v.2 )


C. Heads set

It includes 7 newly designed team heads with 6 custom made hair


D.Infinity Defender war - damaged helmet

You can choose this option separately. It is an accessory mainly for display purpose


The team suit v.2 is an upgrade for the previous suit. 

Arguably the most sophisticated swap-part yet made, this torso-and-leg set is pad-printed more than 100 times with 20+ steel mold in the highest industrial standards. 

It is printed on all 4 sides of the parts, including the inner sides of the legs.

We have employed the same 4-side joining printing technic, so they can be your perfect companion to your LBxLCM line of minifigures. A pearl coating will be applied as per v1, which give the unique luxury and high-tech touch to the suit.



All items are made in limited quantity available and this is the only chance to get them.


---- These images are only 3D renders, actual product may differ ----


年中我們推出了Team suit,很多人都希望我們能制作完整的團體股,方便大家組裝同一Style的人仔團隊


A. Quantum Team

當中包括7位角色的'LBXLCM'頭及Custom made髮型,Team suit v.2 , 量子頭盔,及新開發的INFINITY DEFENDER 戰損頭盔

另包含一套額外隊服(頭盔+team suit,沒帶頭),以給你的Soul Agent使用


B. Helmets & Suits

可單選一套隊服(量子頭盔+team suit v2) 或 四套隊服(4x量子頭盔+4x team suit v2) 


C. Heads set

7位角色的'LBXLCM'頭. 包含6個 Custom made髮型



包括一個戰損頭盔( 配件,可能不適合人仔配帶)


隊服v.2 跟以往一樣,繼續使用了最高級的pad print 技術,並把幾乎所有能印的表面都印上了  ,並一如我們的新標準,腿內側也印上了,並在原作之上加印暗花,作品的精細度更上層樓,印刷次數亦輕鬆突破一百次。




我們希望為大家的收藏添加一個精雕細琢的逸品 !


( 帶卡,沒有編號 )


--- 圖片為電腦模擬,實際商品有差異 ---

LBxLCM Quantum Team Suit part set

  • *Very advanced Pad printed on 4 sides of genuine Lego parts.

    *100+ pad printed procedures

    *Limited edition ( No number ) and will not be remade

    Grab enough for you team now ! 限量制作,不設編號。不會重制,要把握機會喔

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